Helping graziers generate additional revenue streams 

Like many Queensland landholders, our journey into the world of Carbon Farming began when we investigated the opportunities on land we own.

By combining years of on-the-ground experience in owning and managing rural properties together with our local knowledge and sound science, we set up a carbon project on  Coralie Station in 2018.

After proving that we could assess and develop profitable carbon projects on our own land, we set out to provide other landholders across Queensland with the same opportunity.

We opened the doors to Upscale Carbon in 2021, bringing together agricultural and environmental expertise to help landholders develop carbon projects that are financially attractive and align with their broader business goals.

Why Choose Upscale Carbon?

We believe that you can have a traditional grazing enterprise and have a profitable carbon project at the same time. 

We recognise the need to provide landholders with carbon credits, and by taking the time to get to know you and your knowledge of the land, we work to design a carbon project that runs in conjunction with your business. 

It is a non-negotiable for us that our leadership team consists of great people who know and understand agriculture. We all live in rural and regional Queensland and have been associated with agriculture for most of our lives.

At Upscale Carbon, we practise what we preach. We run our own carbon projects in properties owned by our sister businesses.

As carbon is now a commodity, we believe that landholders should be able to: 

  • Hold your own credits for your own carbon offset needs (if you choose)
  • Hold your credits on your balance sheet and sell when the price is right or when suits you
  • Be free to sell carbon credits in the manner that suits you.

You might be surprised to learn that this is not always the case with all carbon developers.

Our Values

At Upscale Carbon, our values are the backbone and foundation of our business. Whether we’re consulting customers, in the field or we’re behind a desk, every team member upholds these values in every aspect of their work.


We are country people who look you in the eye when shaking your hand. We treat our investor's funds as extremely precious and hard-won. We invest our own money into our funds.


We are pushing the boundaries doing what few others are doing. We know we don’t know everything and must always learn. We (and our investors) want to do something really good for the environment.


If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Our job is to jump hurdles. We fall down sometimes but jump straight back up.

Deliver Promises

The world is full of under-delivery and broken promises. We are old school. It’s really important to us to do what we say.

No Dickheads

We want to work with people like ourselves who flourish in positivity, humour, humility and kindness.

About our sister company; Upscale Funds Management

Find out more about Upscale Farmland Funds

Our sister company, Upscale Farmland Funds is a wholesale investment fund, aiming to incorporate more environmentally friendly and climate resilient income streams into traditional agriculture. 

Their vision is investable green farmland funds by generating strong returns for investors as well as leading environmental, social, and governance (ESG) change in traditional agriculture.

Upscale Farmland Funds, or UFM as we call it, adds incremental income streams to traditional farming and raises investor funds to purchase farmland with the potential to increase in value through projects such as carbon farming, biodiversity offsets, hosting renewables, or regenerative (working with nature) farming practices.

Find Out More